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Cognitive skills are the core skills that brain uses to think, read, learn, remember, reason, and pay attention. Each of the cognitive skills play an important part in processing new information. If one of the cognitive skills is weak, then grasping, retention, or memory gets affected. In fact, most learning struggles are caused by one or more weak cognitive skills. This is where brain training plays a vital role in strengthening the cognitive skills.
1. Adaptive training : Our training programmes are designed to suit the kids needs and abilities.
2. Speed up : We use timed tasks to train the brain to work faster. The key to improving the speeding up process is to enable them to make strong connections in the brain.
3. Attention & Concentration improvement : Attention and Concentration are key to learning. We train kids to maintain sustained attention to stay focused.
We test each of the above mentioned seven core skills to identify the weak skills and give them personalised brain training. These trainings target at strengthening the kids cognitive skills and help them learn easier, faster and better. We provides exclusive learning strategies to improve their language, reading, comprehension and mathematical ability.
MI Test is a Study of 9 Multiple Intelligence composition of Human brain with help of MI Theory of Dr. Howard Gardner
We provide customised exercises/ activities to improve the kids memory and attention skills.
1. Sensory Development
In The Initial part we work on the five basic senses of the children which are primary Sense, Smell, Hear, Touch and Taste. These five senses help us by acting as input devices which relay the signals to our brain and we are able to decipher the difference between different senses. If we are able to improve the receptor of the children then it can be safely assumed that their functioning and understanding of senses would be become clearer and better defined. You may have seen numerous examples of people without sight (Blind People) having heightened sense of hearing / Smell or touch, which clearly demonstrates that in case we were to neglect one of the senses then the other four would work harder to help you overcome this shortfall. At tia, we use the same concept we block the sense of vision in certain activities to enhance the other four senses and hence we have aptly named our program as “Closed Eye Concentration Development".
2. Work on brain and mind
Brain and mind are different but they always work as one. Brain is the physical part and has many sub parts/areas within and the mind inside runs the brain. As per the neuropsychologist and principles of the brain plasticity our mind has ability to change physical structure of the brain. So at brainy we work on brain to make its performance better by exercising it by giving it challenging task for each part of the brain such as logical challenges for frontal region of the brain, musical and listening for temporal region, visualisation for occipital region, and stimulation thru movements for parietal region of the brain. This also helps them become better learners. As we emphasise on right brain training it allows children to learn in a very different way, Right brain has immense powers and can soak up information as sponge, where left brain is sequential and one by one learning, right brain can grasp as whole. Left brain does serial processing while right brain does parallel processing. We also include Neurobics for brain stimulation that creates new synapses and use of our proprietary digitally engineered music frequency to activate several neural pathways in Brain. At brainy we have specially designed activities and exercises to stimulate each region of the brain mentioned above to make them perform better and enhance their capacity.
The activities that we practise are intriguing and fun filled for children, activities include mental reading, some may even call it blindfold reading, telepathy, enhanced speed reading, some calls it quantum sped reading and so on. These parapsychological activities are thought to be power of our reptilian brain and in Brainy they are used as tools to learn to control their mind and develop higher concentration. Additionally it also brings out all the benefits that one can get by meditating.
Zumba targets lots of different muscle groups at once for total body toning. Boosts your heart health. You not only get aerobic benefits (it really gets your heart rate up), you also get anaerobic benefits – the kind that help you maintain a good cardiovascular respiratory system. Helps you de-stress.
We provide you a Free Counselling Session where we explain detailly about the Brain TRAIN Program ,Its Aspects, Prospectus & Results in Children
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